Friday, November 26, 2004


Dad said you wanted a check on how much The Open Society and Its Enemies: Volume 1: The Spell of Plato by Karl Popper (what an odd surname!) costs over here. So he made me do some searching and this turned up.

Amazon (US): Used, US$14 on average. Freight charges $10.
Amazon (UK): Used, 6 to 9 pounds.
Kino: S$44.12
Borders: S$24.95

The MPH site is useless, it didn't have a search engine. Will go over to the J8 one and ask anyway, can make the trip tmr. Just take a look at this list first larh, I'll post again probably tmr night about MPH.

It's also available at the library. 368 pages, Amazon said. Times 5 cents that's $18.40 and times 3 cents it's $11.04. Depends on how much the place charges what, right?

So, like that lah.