Monday, February 28, 2005

I am so relieved. The endless mugging for the O's, finally paid off. From a 32 to an 18, all that panic for nearly nothing. The freaking out at Mrs. Ho's office, on the phone, in the hall itself... but freaking out is healthy (to an extent), I suppose.

Looks like giving 4 years to band wasn't such a bad idea after all, even if it did eat my life out. Don't think joining another time-consuming CCA at CJ is such a good idea though, even if the choir seems very tempting, looking at how accomplished it is.

Or perhaps I should go there and do what they have at RJ, that is, set up a gaming group...

It pays to have kender blood. After all the stress and running around, I think I'll still stay up til tmr. Mm, adrenaline.

Got a couple of things to do... burn all stuff out of com as it needs to be sent for reformatting, apply for CJ, mostly admin stuff. And have to stay up to watch Trainspotting so that I can return the disc.

Hallo Adam, thanks for the concern. You take care, I'll see you in church..?