Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Every time I read Gloria's blog I am struck by how more mature and aware she is. Her innermost thoughts do not gel with the flighty, ADD personality she makes herself out to be-- either on purpose, with an enhanced sense of irony only a select few can appreciate, or simply as a consequence of her delirious realisation of what the world is and could be.

One of the side-effects of turning 21 is an inclination towards retrospection. One starts taking stock of one's life-- now that there's finally a significant chunk of it-- contemplating the achievements, bittersweet moments, burning embarassments and screaming, howling, gut-wrenching regrets.

Reading Gloria's blog is like seeing a distant spark of what I was before the years piled up on top of me. I wish I could tell her everything she needs to know so that she'll end up the brilliant, polished girl I wish I could be, had I started at that age. Of course I know that's terribly un-PC. Free will, choice, independence and all that. Her sense of self is impressively developed- but without condescending I would warn that many more obstacles will threaten that sense in time.

Gloria- it's not just about exams. Please do have a life. I am still trying to come to terms with not having had one even though I am having too much right now. (Just got back from Amsterdam celebrating my birthday.) Please develop a personality and discover what it is you really like doing. Please don't engage in intellectual snobbishness. Talk to everyone even if they are complete idiots and don't let them know you think so. This teaches you how to deal with idiots you have no choice but to work with in later life. Try as many new things as possible. Don't be a know-it-all. Be humble.

As some famous actor said, 'Be the little man. Don't let them see you coming.'

Why the sudden introspection? I've been dragged kicking and screaming into my third decade of existence and it does not feel nice. I want to be 18 forever. (And for a few fleeting hours last weekend I was- actually I was 14 for long periods of time.) I don't actually want to grow up. It feels artificial and at times I am uncomfortable inside my own skin.

So please Gloria (and friends of a similarly youthful age, mental or otherwise) do go crazy and have a lot of young, stupid fun. And say no to (only potentially dangerous) drugs.

Disclaimer: The author accepts no legal or moral liability for the contents of the above passage. It was a joke. JOKE.

Good luck for 'O's. Thanks for the Bday greetings.