Thursday, August 31, 2006


I realised the other day how often I say, 'don't tell mummy I did...' and how trivial those things were. Many many small small things that we do annoy her, so her default mood is slightly-pissed-off all the time. These are some things (with rationales) Glor and I can't let her know or she will nag me all through CSI:

1. that I wore shoes in the house while I was stretching before my run (dirty)
2. that I walked in with my shoes on afterwards (dirty)
3. that I stretched on the clean floor and dripped sweat on it (dirty)
4. that Glor didn't close the door when she came home until after she took her socks off (someone might barge in in the 1 minute it takes and do unspeakable things, like walk in with their shoes on)
5. that I switched on 2 fans at the same time and stood in front of them (waste electricity + blow sweat everywhere, so also dirty)
6. that Glor chewed ice cubes (bad for you)
7. that Glor slept in the middle of the day instead of studying (self-explanatory)
8. that I ate leftover food (bad for you)
9. that I used the wrong laundry bag for underwear (?)
10. that Glor didn't soak her underwear before giving it to wash (dirty)
11. that I ate 3 curry puffs in 1 day (fat)
12. that I ate 2 flosss buns at 3 am (fat)
13. that I left my dirty plate with traces of flosss upstairs for 2 days (dirty)
14. that Glor drank milk straight from the carton (dirty)
15. that we left the TV on really loud so that we could hear it from the library (waste electricity)
16. that I used the wrong ga la to hang laundry (dirty)
17. that I used the wrong washing detergent to wash the clothes (must mix white one with blue one first or else the clothes will apparently stink, hence: dirty)
18. that Glor sniffed her snort all day instead of blowing her nose (dirty)
19. that I ate 2 brownies AND ice-cream for dessert (fat)
20. that Gloria sneezed in the house all over the place, spewing germs everywhere (dirty)
21. that I didn't clean the floor without being told because I couldn't tell that it was very slightly less spotless than before-- the magiclean cloth yielded a light gray dusting after she swabbed the whole downstairs down with the same cloth (dirty)

So it's quite difficult leading a normal life at home, as you can see. Still, it is a home filled with light and laughter when we don't actually do anything that pisses mummy off. Today for example, was quite pleasant as I actually washed the clothes without being told. I made it on the ga las and used the right delicates bag, but fell down on the mixing of washing detergent.

The monsoon really made itself felt today and it's such a nice day to sit indoors with the door open, writing or enjoying a bolster. Alas, Bolbol is still en route somewhere in the Indian Ocean (I bloody hope). For fun, I came up with a list of fun facts I bet you didn't know about me and Glor.


1. We have names for all our bolsters

The spare bolster is called 'yukky bol' as it is hard and not squishy. It does not have the necessary ergonomics to be a good bolster. Our limbs bend at an obtuse angle instead of an acute angle when we try to hug it. It also doesn't smell like anything and doesn't have a bolster string that is 'mian mian'. 'Mian mian' is the soft, springy quality that bolster strings have when you squeeze the small knot tied in the string. It should be a bit furry and must be firm, yielding to the touch and not too hard. We also have a small, colourful bolster that is called 'small, colourful bolster.' It doubles up as a pillow or soft thing to put over our eyes to block out the light. And obviously, there's Bolbol and Sterster. Mine is Bolbol.

2. Glor likes using a straw to drink yakult whereas I prefer to tear off the aluminium completely

Glor likes the green colour apple flavoured one and I like original.

3. Glor's favourite thing nibbly thing from Old Chang Kee is deep-fried squid heads. Mine is curry puffs

4. Gloria likes the dark-haired guy from The OC (Seth) but I like the blonde one (Ryan).

5. Gloria likes the original CSI whereas I like the Miami version.

6. I think 'harhm' is integral to laksa. Gloria doesn't like 'harhm' in laksa or in anything else.

Which reminds me of something of only tangential relevance. PM Lee in his National Day Rally speech alluded to the mr brown 'ter kwa' controversy by using a food metaphor which involved 'harhm' in mee siam. Please tell me that I am not alone in thinking that 'harhm' is not used in mee siam. Where got 'harhm' in mee siam? I can only conclude from this that the PM does not eat/like mee siam. I know he was talking in hypothetical terms, but this is singapore, goddamn it! Does the PM not eat mee siam?

And because I am trying to be like Nick Hornby, here is a list of things I ate for supper one night with Bunn, Janet and Terrence at Chomp. Chomp.

1. S$10 worth of la las (clam).
2. sambal stingray with nice chincalok (pinkish-grayish shrimp in salty/sour sauce)
3. white chai dao kueh
4. prata with an egg fried sunny side up on it: plaster prata
5. chicken and mutton satay
6. or luah (oyster omlette with starch)
7. almond flavoured dao huay (bean curd)
8. mango flavoured dao huay
9. egg flavoured dao huay with peanut
10. hot cheng tng
11. mug of teh (tea with condensed milk)

On the other hand, the most interesting supper Gloria has had so far is prata and teh, at the 24 hour prata place outside our house. Glor decides that she needs to get a life after the A's.