Saturday, January 14, 2006

More gems of witty repartee from my little travel notebook (it's well worth keeping one when one has entertaining friends):

Joey: What is this used for? (referring to a pumice-stone in a shop in Greece)
Me: You rub your feet with it to get rid of dead skin.
Kenny: (glaring with inexplicable hatred of Joey) No, you eat it!
Joey: Well, you could use it for your brain, it's about the same size.
Kenny: Ya, but it's definitely bigger than your brain.

The next page contains a list compiled by JD, Qianru and myself on 'How do you know when you're an adult?'

1. When you can tell when white wine is too cold to be drunk
2. When you insist on drinking it out of proper glasses instead of plastic cups
3. When you think it's NOT ok to mix red and white together to get more drunk, faster

There's this other bit that always makes me laugh, but I suspect you have to have been there.

Kenny: Give me some water
Qianru: No.
Kenny: Give me some water lah! I'm very thirsty!
Qianru: No! Buy your own.
Kenny: Why don't you give me some? I'm very thirsty leh! (makes whining sounds, feet-stamping etc.)
Qianru: No, can you at least say please?
Kenny: What's the point of saying please if you're not gonna give me anyway?