Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I am very, very angry. The world is full of crappy people.

Fortunately, I also have very nice friends whom I don't deserve who cheer me up very effectively. Nick loaned me a ton of books, including the second installment of the hunter's trilogy, "the lone drow" that I still have not read, due to the bloody exams. So basically am gloriously buried in books, also have to catch up with manga at KKnM. Not to mention the amount of burning I have to do, from all over the place (Dawn, Tora, Jenny, Orion?).

Whoever said that the period after exams is boring is sorely mistaken, as have been doing something pretty much everyday. Trying to get Christmas shopping done this week, not sure if I can get everything to fit, including coffee/lunch with misc. people and gaming as well.

I chopped off all my hair! Now it's shorter than my dad's, have to use clay to style it in the morning. Clay's better than wax or gel, it's re-mouldable. So very fun to mess with. Haircuts make me cheerful for at least a month, which is oh hell just the thing I need, dammit.

I know I haven't been updating, got no time lah. Half the time when I'm on the com it's to watch anime. Or my sister's hogging it.

See? She wants to use it now, will come back later lah.