Wednesday, February 05, 2003

I actually enjoy shocking most people, it's fun and usually entertaining.
- Rachael Law, on her blog

I managed to download the font for Elvish and Dwarven. haha Damn cool!!!!! now i know how to write elvish, just have to learn how to speak it... I'm not that die hard lah, just thought it would be cool.
- Marcus, on his blog

yes i know, i have yet to put up my links and whatnot. will do it, eventually. trying to change the format of my blog, it's bloody difficult, i think i'll just ask clarissa to do it for me, dammit.

rachael's a cool person, she's one of the only people able to freak me out. other then my sister, she's the only person i know who's actually read the sandman. damn it, she's got the whole series, parents got it for her b'dae, last year i think. how lucky can you get?

marcus is crazy, he's got NO bloody idea what he's talking about. even with the elvish/dwarven font it doesn't mean you can write elvish/dwarvish. language is not something you speak frivolously about, especially languages that are, well, not real? and elvish is the language, the script is called tengwar (created by this elf named feanor, who's dead actually). god, how i dislike these people who have no idea what they're talking about(no offense marcus!) it's not as if im an expert at elvish, i haven't the faintest idea how to write it, but i can at least differentiate quenya and sindarin.

if only i were this interested in chinese.

ok, i'll stop ranting now. which reminds me, there's this really good elvish site, . will put it in links when i have time.
aargh, accounts test on friday!