Thursday, August 19, 2004

i share your sentiments amanda, am freaking tired. came home from CLB today and slept as if dead, for a few hours. which means i can stay up late tonight to do my studying. it's a light day tmr anyway.

you know everytime i fall asleep in the afternoon, i scare myself when i wake up, 'cos my first reaction to sunlight when i wake is 'ohshitamilate?!!' and it takes me a bit to realise it's evening still. most times i laugh and go back to sleep.

so, been going to school for night study since monday. good stuff, am very productive. kudos to whoever came up with the scheme. but sometimes get carried away, we spent abt 15mins of last night talking crap with Ms Tan. am enlightened now, about the whole canteen problem thing.

have i ever mentioned that singing in a dark carpark brings a rush of blood to my head?

am not eating well, studying at irregular hours... on the whole is quite enjoyable, though not terribly healthy. but i love being a student, being this age. not too old to be resentful but still young enough to get away with most things, if you take my meaning. there is always truth in cliches, which brings to mind:

'youth is wasted on the young
before you know it's come and gone
too soon'

robbie williams, eternity, i believe. haven't been listening to him for ages. need toria to bring back her albums so i can burn them...

just got new glasses. black, square frames that make me look 'severe', to quote mrs kunna. they make me feel intelligent actually. it's also fun to punctuate my sentences while making a slight adjustment to them, such that they glint in the light. ok, so some people can tell i am obviously fangirling. but seriously, they're a little slanted so it doesn't sit in my face properly.

haven't been answering tags, sorry abt that.

thanks adam, will do. you take care too?

even the word 'prelims' scare the crap outta me cass, dunno how i'm going to sit for them!! am not planning to drop by choir anytime soon but thanks, see you around?

thanks mel, you doing the dancemania thing in school? what's it abt anyway, posters up all over the place...

hallo electra!!! have a feeling you and my sister will get along just fine...

althea, thanks for dropping by. you shd come for night study, very fun, very productive. and i like my glasses too!

you've got to be joking, bol?!! hell, anything's possible i suppose. you know, i hear that there's a place actually called hell. and it also happens to be very warm over there too.
okok, stop with the fruits basket thing. i'll just have to bring you to kknm and you can bloody choose something for yourself.
you got the stuff that uncle morris brought over? rent has stopped skipping, due to my sudden fascination with cd cleaner. will have edwin bring the sausages over.

rather have to go. does anyone want to borrow my kazoo?