Thursday, August 12, 2004

chinese o level reults came out today. my school has a very nice 100% pass. good thing people like us CLB girls didn't take the paper, or it would have been something like 95%... so obviously didn't sit for it lah. you've no idea how liberating it feels to be somewhere else on the morning of your chinese exam.

went to the dental yesterday. now have extra braket on the inside of my back tooth, thus new spot for rubber band. have i ever mentioned my hatred for those damned things? now mouth feeling very cramped. have had braces on for so long i've lost count, erm, 3 years?

decided to go for night study, though i remember that it wasn't terribly popular last year, they closed it down half-way through. still, studying by myself in the school library til 9 in the night is a nice thought for this nocturnal animal.

did something extremely stupid on saturday. made a trip down to kknm in the late afternoon, right before mass to catch up on some reading. am a bloody moron! reading before mass is one thing, reading, of all things, priest, is something so stupid i amaze myself. not that it's lousy, quite the contrary. in fact, one of the reasons i read it is because i like the art. don't want to elaborate. for information on this korean comic, click here.

i think i had lots more to say but can't remember it all, now. oh well.