Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Because Kayce tagged me and I'm too damned lazy to do a proper entry. And he's right, I'm not even sure what I'll write. :P

Total Number of films I own on DVD/Video

Erm. Not many, am generally not in the habit of collecting them, either I want to watch them and see them in theatres or I miss them completely. But a few, I guess.

The Last Film I Bought

Bought or was given? Spirited Away, from Ed who got it in Malaysia.

Five Films I Watch A Lot/Mean a Lot to Me

1. Anything by Studio Ghibli. Because you can always depend on the fantastic art and superior storytelling. I mean look, Miyazaki even made Moving Castle a half love story thing and managed to pull it off without me wanting to pull out my teeth. And not all their movies end with a happily ever after, unlike Disney, and keeps you thinking about it for some time after. Tomb of the Fireflies and that tanuki I-can't-remember-the-name-of-it ones come to mind.

2. Toy Story. It was the first movie I ever watched in the cinemas (with my parents obviously). Wah, I remember that it was like some kind of expedition liddat, going out so late. And could only get popcorn because everything else was too ridiculously priced.

3. Anything by Tim Burton. I love his style and the odd ideas that he comes up with. Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorshands and Big Fish, how can anyone -not- love his movies?

4. Labyrinth. The film that introdued me, however indirectly, to a taste of the Sandman, since Morpheus was sorta kinda modeled after Bowie's Goblin king. In any case, the muppets were wonderful and it was a very good adventure indeed.

5. The LotR trilogy. Damn well made these films were, especially for something that was once said to be un-makeable. Plus I'm a fantasy junkie, 'nuff said.

Tag 5 People and Have Them Put It In Their Blog

In no particular order:
Tora (even if I know what se'll put)
Schaz (because I want her to -write- something for once)

So it took me 2/3 of a carrot and half an apple to get through that. I sound like a horse don't I? Mum's home and is feeding me healthy stuff lah.

The toe is fine, for anyone who asks. Nail bed has scabbed over and half a cm of nail has grown out already. Had to get the whole thing removed because I'd left it for too long and was starting to grow in the wrong direction, that is, sideways. So the only way to solve that was to start growing the thing from scratch.

Went around flashing it to family during grandfather's birthday dinner last Saturday. As it turns out, none of them have ever seen a toenail removed. Okok, will stop being obsessed about toenail.

So it was a Big Guy's birthday cum father's day thing.

For the first time in years at my grandfather's dinner thing on Saturday we had a change in menu! Gasp! In addition to the usual chilli crab and shark's fin dishes and whatnot we also had bamboo clam (that I discovered I like quite alot) and lobster. I can see you fall off your chair, Tor! I've not really tasted lobster before but it's nice, I guess. Are you suppose to have to chew it alot?

Have just realised why I love my father. He doesn't throw me out of the house eventhough I'm an obnoxious bimbotic brat who thinks she knows everything. That and he willingly deals with idiots at work everyday to put food on the table and to send his children through school.

My life isn't that interesting to blog about, Tor. That's why I have irregular posts. Nothing's going on.
