Wednesday, July 28, 2004

This is Tor:

For some reason, after my solo scuba trip to Malta (one coconut-oil-scented week of white sands, aquamarine waters and surreal underwater sea-grass scenes) I've suddenly developed the backpacking-on-my-own urge.

I'm going to Wales two weekends from now for a horseriding/canoeing weekend! It's not that I've become Miss Active-outdoorsy-person all of a sudden but Horse-riding in Wales! Doesn't that sound romantic? Galloping through the Forests with the Wind in your Hair, with the LOTR soundtrack in the background. Guiding your horse to the Waterfall and Gracefully fording it ala Liv Tyler. NOT! I'm sure I'll fall off more than a few times, and be a hunched-up, bedraggled thing in the saddle, in the rain, lost, with a very very sore bum. But still! Everything at least once, right?

I'm sure Gloria is screaming in envy now. Particularly since I don't happen to like horses all that much, I just like the idea of trying horse riding in LOTR country (the book! not the movie) and paddling around in babbling brooks. Makes a change from my usual weekend routine (shop for groceries in Chinatown, make a token attempt at jogging if the sun's out, breathe carbon monoxide from cars, visit favourite second hand bookshop, maybe see a movie with significant other, maybe visit posh club that costs £25 to get in).

When you come next summer, I promise to bring you! I've got your itinery here all planned out in my mind!

1st day: Covent Garden, Leicester Sq, etc and all tourist attractions.

2nd day: Bath; you'll love the little tea houses (and Stonehenge, if you insist, but it's not worth it)

3rd day: Leave mummy and auntie G in London to explore Oxford St and antique markets and go horseriding in Wales!

5th day: Paris.

And so on. I'll report back on the trip when I get back.