Friday, December 29, 2006

No, I'm not avoiding you or giving you "the cold shoulder". I just started work, waitressing at a restaurant. Can't use phone on the job, though I can sneak a peak at messages. Full time, 9 hours a day, 6 days a week. I'll plug the place I work at, if you ask. I'm not stupid enough to state where I work on my journal, kthxbai.

Now it's TOR not GLOR. I work in Boost Juice, Vivocity. It's the best juice bar ever, do drop by.

Yesterday I realised just how much of Mummy's english vocab is derived from ours. As we ww
ere watching TV, she commented, 'the picture is very...' She was obviously trying to find the right word so I helped her by suggesting,'exciting? slow? boring?' She said, 'No. (pause)Retarded'.

Yes. My mother's pwers of description in english aren't very strong but her repertoire does include words like:


It's Gloria's fault, I tell you.

One usually has to guess wht Mummy means from various noises, gestures and expressions. Once she tried to explain the difference between brown and green kaya. Apparently, brown kaya is more (reapeatedly open and close fingers into fist slowly, using small up and down motions of the hand simulating an upside-down squid). Also, the difference btw duku and langsat is that 'duku is duku' and 'langsat is langsat'.