Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ok, so I mostly screwed up my common tests. Not sure how to tell parents. I actually have to start studying -properly- now, damn. I can feel the marathon, in the pace of school and the structure of work.

Urban case studies to be completed, by May. Econs graphs for all topics usable by June. Lit notes to be re-written by end of May.

You know, someone once told me you thought of your life as a sort of anime. Maybe it is, because every other week now you're telling me, or I'm hearing something that's gone wrong. I think maybe I've gone past the point of caring, because it's tiring, and because all I can do is listen. Does that make me a bad friend?

Mother's slipped disc isn't getting any better, and it's been more than 3 months.

And having an absent boyfriend gives me license to say "insert angsty teenage quote here".

Sometimes I think he's a fantasy I came up with, in those hazy moments of half dream, or half consciousness. A distant figure that speaks as a stream of words on a screen. Talk of work, mocks, parents. Though of course, he's still the same charming figure. Just strained, which is perfectly understandable.

It is selfish, but I find myself retreating, my heart placed more on anime I used to enjoy so much, and books. It is better. I think I'm not cut out for this.