Saturday, September 24, 2005

I am that child who loved wandering outside in the estate, parents mad with worry. I am that child who hated the gate when it was locked, or when the stairs were barred, with my sister on the other side making fun of me (yes, I still remember that).

I am the sister who will never be as good as you are. I am that sister whom you have shaped in so many ways, more than you know, who misses you very much too.

I am the reason you continue to work, not letting you retire early. I am that daughter who sees you coming back late everyday, and listens to your conversations about work over dinner.

I am the granddaughter who never appreciated you until you were gone.

I am that student who has spent 10 good years in a convent, the blue pinafoe marking me for life, even if I don't wear it anymore.

I am the band member who would sing with you during sectionals, instead of play the saxophone. I am the same who left the school having that as an achievement.

I am the choir member who quit because she couldn't stand the weekly scoldings, who realised that she could be doing other more productive things with her saturday afternoons and holidays.

I am that singer who let her voice go down the drain.

I am that friend who constantly worries about you. I am that friend who will constantly pimp books/musicals/anime/gaming to you. I am that friend who will give you shelter if you ever run away from home. I am that friend who will listen, if you need it.

I am your ina roel.

I am that classmate who needs to re-roll her charisma.

I am the girl who will always have a crush on you, that girl who woke up crying when you went away.

I am that teenager who will always bear that grudge against you.

I am a young woman who doesn't know what to do with the rest of her life. I am that girl who wants to grow up to be an adventurer.

I am wondering what next life will throw at me.