Friday, August 26, 2005

Just jotting this down, while in school. Have to dash for Lit lect in a bit.

Bloody hell. If there's one thing that I don't like, it's being locked out of class first thing in the morning. Especially when the first period is a lecture and my notes are in class. I do sit rather close to the windows, but I don't have abnormally long arms to reach my stuff (however, have I ever mentioned that my left ring finger is longer than my right?).

Added to that, my class chairman acted like he didn't care, when I asked him about it after assembly. Don't think he liked me interrupting his conversation with other fencers. Well, of course he didn't care; he had his notes with him.

But what I detest most of all is when the person holding the fucking key tag giggles when she discovers her mistake.


Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against my classmates. They just exasperate me very easily.