Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Exams coming soon, this should be interesting. Will be slogging all through the June hols, interrupted by fencing prac. Which is muchly fun, I don't even mind getting up at 7 in the morn on a Saturday for it.

No, am not going away like as planned, anymore. Seeing as how with the exception of GP, all my papers are on the last week of June I obviously cannot go anywhere for obvious reasons. At this rate don't think will make it to London at all, oh well. We'll see how it goes, as usual.

Dear Ed is back~! Missed him awfully, but have only seen him once, so far. Will probably have coffee during June, I hope. Then we can talk about fencing too~

I miss RK, and everyone in my graduating year, for that matter. I do believe we really need to meet up for an RK coffee meeting one day. Bern could do with some more cheering up.

Which reminds me, I've nothing to wear for Camelot this Saturday...

Thanks so much for the essay outline, Tor! Very big help, wish me luck for the blasted exam!