Sunday, July 27, 2003

hello again. have not blogged for how long? nearly a month, i think. been very busy with syf, school and all.

speaking of syf, for those of you who don't know- band got silver. don't know the score yet but feeling quite like crap already, why? everyone else got gold or won the championships, choir, eldds, netball (of course!) and debate. don't know the outcome of dance yet but hey, we are talking abt ple like donn and kristy in it... for them not to get gold would be a scandal. on the bright side, we did get a treat of pizza from mr chan, which is very hard to come by.

so as you can see, life isn't going awfully well for me. especially when i saw my least favourite person during choir yesterday. seems that he's graduating soon, or has already but i hear that he's staying in the highlands for good. then he says he's coming back in september for a short while. by the gods, he does turn up when i least expect. actually, i'm seriously considering leaving choir. not because of him you nuts, don't really care much abt him. more abt the politics flying around, i suppose. i'm not being affected by any, which is a good thing, but why can't we all just, get along? after all, we only see each other about once a week most of the time. also considering joining cyf but... i think uprooting myself and transfering to another parish would be a better thing to do. over here it's very stagnant, every week i go for cat class then for choir. the only time i have fun is during christmas, if that can be classified as fun. i get so busy with the regular practises during nov-dec that i hardly have time for anything else. which sucks because then i can't go on holiday or for gaming and things like that.

should talk about more cheerful things, more thereputic (is that how you spell it?). my dad got a dvd player from my grandmother for his birthday. my godfather didn't know it was suppose to be a suprise and called up to ask him what model his current vcd player is. ho ho! got quite a laugh on that one, my father obviously states that he doesn't need a dvd player but my grandma gets it anyway. not only can it play dvds and vcds, it can also has a function for radio, which my father doesn't use. in fact, he hasn't touched the thing at all. well, no matter. when dvds take over, he'll be thankful. am going to ask eldred to loan me a few of his dvds he's recommending ie, princess mononoke and such like.

cheerful things. was talking to adrian after mass yesterday and he mentioned that he didn't notice i have braces and asked me if they were new. they have, in fact, been here for over a year. oh well, he says mebe it's because he doesn't see me smile much. i say that's because there hasn't been much to smile about these days. there was ipw (i must have lost 3 years of my life on that near disaster) and the carnival (there went another 3 years) and also the fact that i've lost half the blog addresses i've collected (if you think you're one of then, which you most likely are, then do me a fav and post it on my tagboard, thanks). there're a host of other things as well (do you know that they're not including the scourging of the shire in the RotK?) but there are some things i'd rather remain not published.

went down to games workshop yesterday. a big game was going on, not sure what but it was a three table affair. which means there were many pple gaming so i couldn't see what the hell was going on. am not planning to go into tabletop, think i can shit gold is it? and it seems rather violent. the other time i went, one of the first things i heard was, 'take his head off! take his head off!' which i admit, sounds fun but if the whole game is like that then i don't think it's my cup of tea. jenny and steph are quite into it and have been using the shop's pieces. i say good for them, everyone needs something to get into.

have had lots of other things to say but can't remember it all now. will be swamped with CAs next week but might post if find time. jen's going off to obs, lucky her! ok, will go now, haven't been blog reading for weeks.