You are
Flint Fireforge! Very old, and very
wise, you carry a great knowledge with you, and
also a bit of a temper! You can be moody, and
possibly pessimistic. As a dwarf fighter, you
have a vast knowledge of fighting abilities.
You are Tanis' oldest friend; you care about
all of the heroes of the lance, perhaps
Tasslehoff the most- despite the fact that he
bugs you so much! ^_^ You're just a big sweetie
underneath it all.
Which Dragonlance Chronicles Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla

What Dragonlance Race are You? brought to you by Quizilla

What Colour Robes Do You Wear? (Dragonlance) brought to you by Quizilla

You are Tasslehoff Burrfoot. You are positive,
optimistic and curious as hell. You have a
tendency to forget that you made promises to
people, or if you do remember you convince
yourself they were unaware of a major point in
it. You also tend to "acquire" things
that don't belong to you. According to you,
however, you are not a theif. Unlike many other
Kenders you are loyal to your friends and also
tend to think things through before reacting to
your instinct. You are very gullible and if
someone you know personally tells you something
you believe it. You are very brave and have
only been frightened once, at Shoikan Grove,
hell we don't blame you. We'd piss our pants if
we were there.