anyway, been busy. can anyone suggest what kind of explainations (why does tha look wrong? am sure it's spelled that right... help lah tor.) i can come up for things chosen for offertory: a box of chocolates (to quote forest gump, 'life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get' so savour every moment), a ring (i dunno yet, but that's pretty symbolic ain't it?!), a picture of a girl with her friends (something about not forgeting the times you had in secondary school) and something else... a book (quite lame, because learning never ends), i think. so just post suggestions on the tag board or tell me straight.
this whole mass thing is crazy. things were flying around, something about not wanting to pair up 4/3 and 4/4... shd have been 4/3 and 4/9 instead or something ridiculous like that. we got paired up in the end though (we fought for it, generally, the 2 classes like each other, methinks) but didn't have a pianist until we begged angie to play. jamie was nice enough to be the back up pianist though, 4/6 has heaps of pianists, can count 3 off the top of my head.
many things going on, concerning the mass thing, tempers flaring mostly. am just praying that we don't screw it up.
Jac yip's furious at 4/3 for several reasons, not too sure of the whole story (generally don't want to know it) but am getting a bit worried for their self-awareness camp because of it. can't predict what'll happen, hope they solve it.
just started the secret pal thing in class today. had a false start (everyone knew who everyone else's secret pals were...) so had to start again. won't say who mine is, in case she reads this. highly doubt that'll happen though, don't think she knows my blog add, we're not close.
got 5.5 upon 25 for my january accounts test, dunno how am going to tell my father, help!
ok, not really organising this blog entry today so random things just coming out yarh? just finished maths tuition, brain a bit scrambled. but do rather enjoy maths and, for that matter, chinese tuition. tuitors are very patient and everything, 'cos it's one on one.
printer got problem! stupid thing, random red button flashing, which is supposed to mean either the thing is jammed (it's not) or the ink's run out (it hasn't). first it was the monitor, then this. the monitor's problem was that it was randomly switching itself off. kinda sounds like the problem my tv had the other time (that was ages ago) but banging didn't help at all. generally speaking, rather like banging electrical appliances (only during malfunctions lah) 'cos get great satisfaction when the thing starts working again, after all that noise.
praticing hard for band concert. by the way, if anyone wants to purchase tickets, they're $10 each, concert itself to be held at VCH, free seating. buy from me lah. been dueting with priscilla after practically every practise, and am obviously the better singer (and am obviously writing that to make self feel better, entertain me). it'll be so strange when we leave band, meaning the sec 4s. have no great love for it or anything but don't get me wrong, don't hate it either. but it's been such a regular part of life here in secondary school, twice a week, every week then all of a sudden it stops...
just realised that i'm going to rather miss band. never thought i'd ever have to say that.
watched moon child the other day, the movie with hyde, gackt and lee hom in it. chan and vanessa have effectively turned me into a gackt fangirl. damn i don't need this, you hear me?! gackt's like this too-strange jap version of lestat (which i think is what's attracting me). so, just for the sake of it:

Which Gackt are you most like?
quiz by

i have to go have dinner now. also have to study for accounts test. many (it's MANY, sub-conscious, NOT MANA, damn it. only malice mizer fans will get this, so nevermind.) things have not been written, but that can't be helped.
and oh yes. thanks so much for the Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials set, tor! i love it!