Friday, February 03, 2006

Had a fantastic Chinese New Year. However, angpow haul not so good as missed a few relatives. Ah well, will probably be made up for next week, more or less. People usually have angpows conveniently left over at that point. Usually, conveniently in time for my birthday. Ok, I am shameless.

For some odd reason, interesting things seem to happen to me during the Chinese New Year period. And I wish you didn't have to leave on Sunday... /kiss

Tagged by Khayce, sorry I haven't done it til now!

4 Jobs You’ve Had In Your Life

Erm, I've never worked before, so this isn't something I could answer?

4 Movies You Could Watch Over And Over

Labyrinth (the one with David Bowie in)
Anything by Studio Ghibli
Underworld (how they take things from other movies is just funny, but looks good)

4 TV Shows You Love(d) To Watch

CSI (all of them)
Who's line is it anyway?
Star Trek (all of them)
Just for laughs (not the gags, the staged ones)

4 Places You’ve Been On Vacation To

Brisbane (Gold Coast)
Various bits of China (not Suzhou though...)

4 Places You Would Rather Be

Dustwallow Marsh, 'cos of my bloody backdated mage quest
London, I miss the gallaries and museums!
Beside You (prefably in Paris)

4 Of Your Favourite Foods

Allio oglio
Black pepper crab
Cold soba
Mee Kia

4 Websites You Visit (it's damned addictive)

4 Tagged
