Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I know that posting msn conversations is seen in some blogging circles as tremendouly low-class, but I'm going to do it anyway. Here's a snippet from my chat with my friend Preeti in SG:

Preeti says: so how's Jim and Sung Hyui

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: jim is doing ok-- at school he excels and has a variety of extra curricular activites. he takes spanish, jazz dance lessons, and has a healthy social life

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: he also has a lot of fit classmates whom i am always asking to be introduced to

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: not one of them has called me yet

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: sung-hyui is doing well as far as i can tell she is well-liked by the teachers, popular amongst her peers, helpful and friendly. she goes to jazz dance with jim and similarly bemoans the lack of romantic interest at bpp

Preeti says: vic why do you sound like a teacher giving a character appraisal?

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: i am trying to be ironic but it doesnt seem to be working

Preeti says: haha no wait....I'm picturing you saying it now and it sounds very Victoria..

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: Sung-hyui has so far declined to join the book club set up by jim, myself, and a couple of other fellow nerds

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: the first book we are discussing is bleak house

Preeti says: haha oh my god. thats sad

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: hey book clubs are very much all the rage now in fashionable circles in the US

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: we are not being nerdy but trendy

Preeti says: of course not vic

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: in a few months we will be seen as uber cool trendspotters

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: ok, forget i said 'uber cool'

Preeti says: y'know vic....I havent laughed this much in a while

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: i'm glad to be of assistance

Preeti says: forget? yeah right...I'm going to be quoting you now to everyone who will listen.I will start with the LSE singaporeans tomorrow at evidence lecture

Preeti says: Your uber cool book club will be famous soon

Preeti says: maybe you shoudl ask some of the fit guys in Jims class to join

Preeti says: waitt....didd you do that already? is that why they havent called?

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: yes, i already did

Preeti says: hahaaaaaaaaa

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: thats probably why they havent called

Preeti says: its sad isnt it that they dont seem to be the "uber cool" trendspotter types vic

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: no lah. i'm totally just kidding

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: god i am not that sad P

Preeti says: you mean there is no book club?

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: yeah there is but i havent asked any cute guys to join.

Preeti says: well then the guys in Jims class must be gay or dumb for not calling you

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says:thanx. bloody hell

Preeti says: sigh. maybe you meet someone nice in china. nice chinese boy

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: NO

vic-- i want to eat mee pok says: please dont even joke about it

So, there is a book club, and the first book really is Bleak House. I've only got to page 200. I have no idea why we chose it. It seemed a good idea at the time. I guess after a couple of bottles of wine everything goes rosy. Oh well, we needed an excuse to meet up every so often-- but Bleak House? Actually, I was so far gone that I remember promising my friend that I would run a marathon with her. If I'd thought that was feasible, the book must have seemed much less of a challenge at the time. Well, at least we will decide the next book sober. (Hopefully)