Saturday, December 17, 2005

Here is a reply from our father (the human one) in response to my email to him containing this post (with a few crucial points taken out of course).


6) Mummy also wants to know your most recent VISA purchases/expenses. Mummy can't reconcile the latest items.


7) Mummy wants both you and sister to:
a) sleep early
b) get up early
c) eat fruit
d) drink a lot of water
e) behave
d) don't fight
e) don't do anything that you need to ask for our permission
Daddy says: "Yah, sure".

My response was:

Daddy, I can't help it that Glor sleeps till noon when I'm at school.

Anyway what stuff do we have to ask for your permission for? According to mummy, it's 'step outside the house' or 'eat an extra square of chocolate'.